Articles - Archives

Volume: 4   Issue: 2


Under Nutrition and Associated Factors among Lactating Mothers in Southern Ethiopia: Institution Based Cross-Sectional Study
Gemechu Kejela*, Feleke Gebremeskel, Hadiya Hassen, Misgun Shewangizaw and Markos Desalegn
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Rare Presentation of Metachronus Chylo-Lymphatic Mesenteric Cyst and Mesenteric Dermoid Cyst in Same Patient
Mohan P*, Laxman J and Rao KK
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Knowledge, Costs and Decision-Making Processes Regarding Pregnancy Termination in Matlab, Bangladesh
Abdur Razzaque*, Julie DaVanzo and Shahabuddin Ahmed
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Correlation between Caesarean Birth and Vaginal Birth to Cognitive Development
Muhammad H Sahid* and Andriani Pratiwi
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Role of Family History in the Prediction of Preterm Labor- A Case Control Study in a Tertiary Care Centre
Shaila S*
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